Helping disadvantaged students make their career dreams a reality
The thought of pursuing a dream career can seem out of reach for many people, but at Mater Education, we are committed to helping those who are passionate about healthcare to achieve their goals. Through our range of scholarships, bursaries, and funding programs we are able to assist those who need extra support.
Fully subsidised student scholarships
With the help of Mater Foundation and the generous donations from the community, Mater Education is able to provide healthcare education to students from an Indigenous background, a refugee background and students facing financial hardship.
In 2021, Mater Education has welcomed four scholarship students, one being Crystal, who has overcome many obstacles in life. These students demonstrate commitment, compassion and we aim to help these students reach their goals in the healthcare workforce.
Providing students in need with essential study resources
Through the Just Joan Bursary, students who are facing financial strain are able to access necessary textbooks to complete their studies.
The grant, which was originally introduced to assist mature-age students, has since evolved to fund the development of a textbook library, providing more students with the required resources for their studies.
The bursary was established by Mrs Joan Bremner, a Mater Foundation donor, who was a mature-age student herself and wishes to make a difference to the learning experience of others.
Empowering survivors of domestic violence through education
Mater Education offers a fully subsidised place in several courses to participants nominated by Beyond DV with the goal of empowering survivors of domestic violence to reclaim their lives.
Jan Higgins, Educator at Mater Education, initiated the program over 18 months ago and has seen the positive impacts on the students. “Being part of Beyond DV has meant a great deal to these ladies. It has provided a safe place for them to grow and develop, have support and learn new skills.”
Multicultural Australia
In 2020, Mater Education welcomed 10 new students into our Certificate III in Health Service Assistance course, as part of a collaboration with Multicultural Australia. Through the 15 week course, the students gain essential skills in healthcare, including five days of work experience in acute care setting at Mater.
Partnerships to propel students into registered nursing
One of the many benefits of our Diploma of Nursing program is that it opens up many pathways for students to continue learning and developing their nursing career.
Through our unique partnership with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Mater Education Diploma of Nursing graduates are given a unique opportunity to apply for direct entry into the ACU Bachelor of Nursing.
We’re thrilled to support students who find their confidence in nursing at Mater Education to go on to pursue further study.
If you are interested in applying for any of our student support opportunities, we encourage you to get in touch with our student services team to understand application requirements.
All Mater Educations support programs are awarded on merit. Scholarships are available to eligible students commencing in the January or July intake only.