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From the restaurant kitchen to the hospital ward 


Having dished up dinner to diners as a restaurant chef, Ripley resident Joyce Tan has set her sights on serving others in a different way.

The 27-year-old has completed a Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance with Mater Education and has already secured a position as an occupational therapy assistant at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital.

“I had been in hospitality for several years and, over time,  it wasn’t challenging or as fulfilling as it once was,” Ms Tan said.

“I really like to work with people and care for them, so the Mater Education course was a great fit.” 

The Certificate IV course is practical in nature, providing students with the necessary theory alongside hands-on experience. 

“We learn a lot about how our body works and can apply everything we have learnt and take it into the ward, moving patients, sliding them off the bed and getting them into a wheelchair, transporting them safely and more,” she said.

A particular highlight of Ms Tan’s studies has been getting to practice her newly acquired skills and knowledge on Mater volunteers, who enrich the course by acting as patients for students.

“Working with volunteers is very different to when we have been practicing with our classmates,” she said.

“It’s much more like a real patient because we don’t know them, and that makes it more like what it’s like in the real world, which is beneficial for when we enter the workplace.” 

Ms Tan encourages other people considering a career change to “go for it!” 

“Mater Education’s course is a great stepping stone for people who are interested in a career in healthcare,” she said.

Learn more about our Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance here

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