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Mater Education steps up the fundraising pace


Sunday 3 March marked the 28th RACQ International Women’s Day Fun Run. Joining the 13 000 strong sea of pink who hit the streets of Brisbane was Mater Education’s dedicated team of 26.

Together they raised money for personalised, practical support services and life-saving breast cancer research at Mater—to show women with breast cancer that they’re not alone.

Co-founder of Mater Education’s fitness group - Get ACTIVE with ME, Stephanie Barwick says this was a great opportunity to join with the Mater Group and make a difference for a great cause.

“This event is important to us because of the amazing cause we were fundraising for - the chance to collectively make a difference to women with breast cancer now and in the future. 

Mater Education CEO, Donna Bonney, believes that Mater Education can play an important role in supporting and empowering women in our community through education. “The majority of our workforce here at Mater Education are women passionate about the power of education to change lives, so an event celebrating International Women’s Day is the perfect way to honour the enormous value and impact women have across our community.

Mater Education’s Get ACTIVE with ME events are aimed at supporting ministries within Mater Group, and contributing to the great sense of community spirit that exists here at Mater.  We wanted to show our support to Mater Foundation and the great work that they do,” Stephanie said. 

Together the team have a raised a collective $1 492 to date! Stephanie says there have been a few stand out fundraisers amongst the team.

“Deb Shotten had originally signed on to do the 5km run. She then challenged her friends by saying if they raised $300 she would run the 10km course.  Her friends met her challenge and raised $651, so Deb was a part of the group at the 10km starting line!

Marlene Redelinghuys and Amy Shepherd have also been fundraising superstars with both raising over $150 each,” Stephanie said.

Get ACTIVE with ME has only been around for 1 year and this year was the second time they participated in the RACQ International Women’s Day Fun Run. 

“Last year we had 4 participants this year we had 26 people in our team.”

“We had staff, students, families and friends of Mater Education join us so it really was a great opportunity for us to get to know people on a personal level while contributing to a bigger cause,” Stephanie said.

On any given day, 50 women* will have their worlds turned upside down when they hear the words 'You have breast cancer'.

Fundraising will remain open for a month—you can donate to the ‘Run with Mater Education’ team by visiting womensdayfunrun.com.au