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Caring for others passed down through generations for Liam


Liam, a healthcare enthusiast, has come from a family of empathetic carers and healthcare workers, which has instilled in him a strong sense of community care.

“To start off, my grandparents adopted several children with disabilities, so there has always been a strong caring focus in my family. On top of this, my dad became a Registered Nurse.”

It’s been these key influencers in Liam’s life that led him to start his healthcare journey with Mater Education. He started exploring opportunities for courses and attended an Open Day with his dad to find out more.

“I was really impressed with the facilities and the staff, and the environment itself felt really welcoming. I personally felt it was really important to study healthcare in a hospital environment.”

Following his visit, Liam enrolled in his first healthcare course, Certificate III of Health Services Assistance. He then went on to complete his Certificate III in Individual Support; even gaining employment throughout his studies as an Assistant in Nursing at an Aged Care Facility.

Liam’s healthcare ambitions continue, and he is now completing Mater Education’s Diploma of Nursing program, full time from Monday to Wednesday, whilst working part time on Thursday and Friday at the Aged Care Facility.

Liam did his research before enrolling, to understand the possible career routes available to him.

“I had spoken to a few people who had been through other education providers, and the most common feedback was that they were walking out of a study environment and into a clinical environment feeling completely unprepared. This is something Mater Education does completely differently.”

“I can speak from experience now, in that even after my first course, I felt fully prepared and job-ready. I can say quite confidently, it’s been one of the most valuable things I’ve chosen to do with my life.”

“The most valuable part of this journey has been seeing the changes in myself. All of the staff are amazing. They’re very supportive and incredibly skilled which has re-enforced a lot of qualities that not only make me a much stronger employee, but it bleeds into other aspects of my life. I’m much more conscious of the way I conduct myself in public. From addressing cultural diversity to the way I treat elderly, children and people with disabilities—it’s framed the way I conduct myself outside of Mater Education.”

Long term, Liam is determined to complete a Bachelor of Nursing to become a Registered Nurse, like his father.

“The certificates I completed provided me with a foundational knowledge of healthcare, and the Diploma of Nursing is acclimatising me to perform some of the more complex roles. However, at the end of the day, wherever I end up, I just want to know that I’m delivering the best possible care, and positively impacting everybody I come into contact with.”

See where Mater Education can take you—explore our range of healthcare courses here and begin your journey to a rewarding career.