Connecting Mater staff across Queensland to upskill in healthcare
Using simulation in healthcare education is an incredibly beneficial learning method, allowing staff to learn in a safe environment where no risk is placed on patients. It further provides the opportunity for feedback and advice in high-stress scenarios which are frequently managed by hospital staff.
In February, Mater Education’s simulation team led a two-day internal simulation session for Central and North Queensland Mater colleagues. The course, Introduction to Simulation Methodology, provided the opportunity for staff to design, deliver and debrief simulated scenarios on each other.
It was delivered as part of a week full of activities where Mater People from Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg and South East Queensland were able to connect, share learning experience and work together to consider how they can implement experiential learning opportunities across their own campus and share strategies for success.
The course delivery is one of many initiatives led by Mater Education to share our collective experience and learnings which can be implemented Mater-wide.