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Blood clotting disease leads Kaylia to Pathology course


This is Kaylia Coulstock. She's a mother of two and one of the 34 students who recently started a Certificate III in Pathology Collection at Mater Education. 


"I've had a blood clotting disease since I was 15. I've had nine blood clots in total in my lungs and I was a haematology mystery to the doctors.


"I had to go to the pathology clinic every day for a year at one stage. My pathology collector was great and she played a very important part in my decision to study Pathology. 


"I was finally diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome a few years ago and I've had injections to deteriorate the clots.  


"I am feeling really positive and very happy that I've been given the opportunity to study at Mater Education."

Interested in learning about Pathology at our South Brisbane hospital campus? Apply today and start studying in March: mater.li/PathologyCollection